
Reza Mousavi, PhD, MBA

Faculty member at:







Thank you for visiting my page! I am a faculty member at The University of Virginia. I am an expert in data science and analytics. My research topics are related to the societal impacts and economics of AI, data science and business analytics, user-generated content, and healthcare information systems. I use machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), and econometrics to identify quasi-experimental settings and study the underlying relationships among the constructs of interest. My work has appeared in ISR, JMIS, JAIS, and PRQ. My work has also been presented at international and national conferences such as CIST, WITS, WISE, ICIS, HICSS, and AMCIS.

I have taught advanced data science and business analytics, research methods, computer programming, and project management at the undergraduate, master, and doctorate levels. I have worked with leading consulting firms on various data science projects. Before joining academia, I was a lead data scientist at State Farm Insurance Co..


Areas of Expertise

Journal Publications

Mousavi, Reza, Gu, Bin (forthcoming) "Resilience Messaging: The Effect of Governors’ Social Media Communications on Community Compliance During a Public Health Crisis," Information Systems Research (ISR).

Alavi, Maryam, Leidner, Dorothy, Mousavi, Reza, (2024) "A Knowledge Management Perspective of Generative Artificial Intelligence," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 25(1), 1-12.

Atkinson, Mary Layton, Mousavi, Reza, Windett, Jason (2022) "Detecting Diverse Perspectives: Using Text Analytics to Reveal Sex Differences in Congressional Debate About Defense," Political Research Quarterly (PRQ), 76(1), 75-89.

Mousavi, Reza, Zhao, Kexin (2022) "Examining the Impacts of Airbnb's Review Policy Change on Listing Reviews," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 23(1), 303-328.

Martin, Justin, Mousavi, Reza, Saydam, Cem (2021) "Predicting emergency medical service call demand: A modern spatiotemporal machine learning approach," Operations Research for Health Care (ORHC), 28, 100285.

Mousavi, Reza, T.S., Raghu, Frey, Keith (2020) "Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Quality of Answers in Online Question-answering Health Forums," Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 37(4), 1073-1098.

Mousavi, Reza, Johar, Monica, Mookerjee, Vijay (2020) "The Voice of the Customer: Managing Customer Care in Twitter," Information Systems Research (ISR), (31:2), 340-360.

Mousavi, Reza, Gu, Bin (2019) "The Impact of Twitter Adoption on Lawmakers’ Voting Orientations," Information Systems Research (ISR), (30:1), 133-153.

Current Projects

For the full list of conference proceedings and presentations, please see my CV.

Cyberbang Project:"Words Matter When Gangs Cyberbang: Predicting Imminent Urban Violence from Gang Members' Social Media Posts," with Sherry Fowler, Antonis Stylianou, D.S. Zhang, Paul Lowry, and Shannon Reid, Under Revision.

Obesity Project:"Healthy Relationships and Healthy Eating: How Stressors and Social Support Influence Food Consumption and Obesity," with Chiraag Mittal and Kelly Haws, Under Revision.

GenAI Labeleing Project:"From Lexicons to Large Language Models: A Holistic Evaluation of Psychometric Text Analysis in Business Research," with Brent Kitchens, Abbie Oliver, and Ahmed Abbasi, Under Revision.

GenAI & Lit. Reviews Project:"Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Literature Reviews and Scientific Inquiry," with Gerit Wagner, Julian Prester, Roman Lukyanenko , and Guy Pare, Under Review.

GenAI Temperature Project:"Tuning the Mind: The Impact of GenAI Temperature on Psycholinguistic Perceptions," with David Lehman and Peter Gray, Working Paper.

MeToo Project:"The Impact of the #MeToo Movement on Brand Sentiment: An Empirical Study of Social Activism and Brand Relationship Norms," with Jingjing Li and Nicole Montgomery, Working Paper.

Lockdown Project:"The Unintended Consequences of Stay-at-Home Policies on Work Outcomes: The Impacts of Lockdown Orders on Content Creation," with Xunyi Wang and Kevin Hong, Working Paper.

Web Applications

Skills and Tools


Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP, LLM), Quantitative Research, Econometric Modeling, Mathematical Modeling, Business Analytics, Data and Text Mining, Big Data Platforms, Teaching, Consulting, Business Communications


Python, R, PyTorch, Tensorflow, GCP, Apache Spark, H2O, SQL/ NoSQL, BigQuery, STATA, SAS, MATLAB